Sunday, May 23, 2010

Can't Catch A Break

After two days of throwing up from pain killers I thought everything was golden... until Friday night! I ate dinner and the right side of my neck started to hurt. I go look in the mirror to find that my neck and face are swollen. I am not allergic to anything so I was really confused. I could feel the gland under my jaw was really hard and enlarged. So I went to the ER right away. The wait was FOREVER. The swelling started to go down so I just gave up and went home without being seen. The next morning I ate breakfast and BAM the swelling started again. It's hard to chew, swallow, and breath. The pain is unbearable! Yesterday I went to urgent care only to find out that they couldn't do anything for me. I have to wait until tomorrow when I can see my oral surgeon. The doctor thinks something is wrong with my gland since they removed the duct under my tongue. Seriously ready to start feeling better:-(

Friday, May 21, 2010

Feeling Better

So I feel a lot better. The new pain medicine doesn't make me constantly throw up. I am still about 5 lbs above LDW. My newest thing is not to focus on the numbers though. More on how my body looks and clothes fit. I would like to start working out more once I am fully healed. I ate actual food today (since I have been living off pudding the last few days). I am trying to eat healthier since I was leaning towards my old habits after my vacation. So far I had cereal, an apple with peanut butter, and a salad. Tonight is chicken, green beans, and mashed potatoes (only a little of the those). Hope you are all losing well!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


I had more oral surgery on Monday. I had to get glands sent to the lab. Hopefully there is nothing wrong with them. They prescribed Vicodin for the pain. Well this girl's body was not having it! I have been throwing up for the past two days. Nothing would stay down. So I had to call the doctor to get different medicine. So with all the strain from vomiting my mouth still hurts. Ugh! With no food and barely any water, I feel like crap. Luckily the new medicine seems to be working a little better so I am eating pudding. Oh happy day!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Forever Unpacking

I've been floating 6 lbs above my LDW for awhile now. I HAVE NOT been eating very well. I need to get myself together! So today I am taking a piece of paper and writing down all the things I need to add to my new routine to lose a little of this excess baggage, haha. Now that I am home again my exercise routine is little to nothing. Moving into a new place takes forever! My mind has been so focused on getting settled into this apartment that everything else is on the back burner. Hope you are all doing well!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cold North

I am still up north visiting my parents. It is freaking cold here! Definitely can't wait to get back down to the south on Saturday. I have been doing WiiFit daily. I am currently 143 lbs (6 lbs above LDW) but I am not sweating it. I did body measurements and nothing has really changed. Some of my "skinny jeans" are snugger right now, but I have been eating fine. Like I have said before this is not the time for me to be nitpicking everything I eat. I am just making healthy choices. The one thing I need to work on is my water intake. I have been bad at getting enough down. I just hate going to the bathroom all the time!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Hello fellow bloggers. I have been so busy lately I haven't had time to do anything personal. Just wanted to let you know I am still alive. I pretty much fell off the Phase 3 wagon during our vacation. That wagon is long gone! Luckily I have the mental capacity not to abuse this by going back to my bad habits. I have been eating fairly well (occasional treats) and getting a lot more exercise in. I don't weigh or measure myself daily (no time), but I think I am about 5 lbs over LDW. Not to shabby if you ask me. It's mostly water retention and some muscle. When life slows down a bit I can focus more on my body. I really miss the simplicity of HCG Phase 2, but it is nice to have all the variety back. The key thing with me is portioning and listening to my tummy telling me I am full. Hope your all having great loses:-)