Monday, April 5, 2010


|Today's Weight|138.6 lbs
|Above/Below LDW|+1.4

Hurray! Eating perfect again worked out. Thank god it brought me in the 2 lb range of my LDW. I wasn't ready to start Phase 3 with a steak day. That being said, I am nervous and anxious to begin adding things into my diet. According to the BMR calculator, I need to consume 1800 calories to maintain my weight if I remain inactive.  If I start incorporating light exercising (like I want) then I need to up it to 2100 calories. Damn that seems like a lot! Starting Phase 3 I need guidance for how much I am eating  calorie-wise, but once I get used to it I can just go by feel. Today I know I am going to feel STUFFED, but if I don't consume enough calories my body will gain.. YIKES! I made a Fit Day account to plug in food items. Kind of played around with what I had in the fridge so I can get up to the right amount. Since this is my first day I want to keep most of the food items the same, but increase the portions. I only added a couple new items to see if they work for me. Also, since I am up a bit, I will eat just a little under my BMR in hopes to get closer to my LDW.

|Today’s Menu|
|B|Coffee with milk. Eggs, bacon, and strawberries.
|L|Chicken drumsticks with skin on. Asparagus with butter sauce.
|D|Steak with SF coleslaw.
|Daily Calorie Intake|1600 calories

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