Sunday, March 28, 2010

Updated Pictures

Alright so here is me after losing 10 lbs on this diet. It is SO scary putting yourself out there on the internet for all to see. I definitely have a lot of respect for those who have done it before. I am not brave enough to give my real name or have my face shown. I know most of you will understand that many people in your life don't understand HCG or think it's unhealthy. The only people that I have told are my husband and one close friend.

I would like to point out one positive and negative thing about my body that I see. It's not fair to just pick out all the flaws. I need to have a positive outlook also:
Negative: Them juicy thighs! Darn genetics are fighting against me.
Positive:  My tummy is looking good. Once I get back to exercising I can tighten it up even more.

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