Tuesday, March 30, 2010

VLCD 24: BM.. TOM.. Bueller?

Start Date R1: March 5, 2010
Today's Date: March 30, 2010
Start weight: 151 lbs
Goal: 130 lbs
Yesterday's Weight: 138.8 lbs
Today's Weight: 138 lbs
Loss: -0.8 lbs
Total Loss: -13 lbs

Today’s Menu
B: Coffee and strawberries
L: Steak with spinach and Melba
S: Melba
D: Chicken with asparagus
Daily Calorie Intake: 423 calories

I have the most random things to put on here sometimes that don't even really go together so if I seem like I am rambling.. it's because my mind is a very strange, complicated thing. I love the smell of coffee in the morning. Now brewed coffee smells wonderful, but my favorite is the actual beans. I could stick my head into the coffee tin and just breathe in the smell forever if I didn't have a life to get back to. My husband doesn't drink coffee at all. He always jokes that that's the one habit he didn't pick up being in the military. Well retirement isn't here for another 25 years plus. So trust me.. I will bring him to the "black" side. This diet has caused me to enjoy my coffee black. I was one of those sissy frappawhata cappawhoda people (yes I made those words up). More cream than coffee.. with about an eighth of raw sugar. Not anymore my friends! My detoxed body combined with simplified meal plan has somehow caused my taste buds to appreciate every flavor. For example, a few posts back I wrote about the most amazing damn apple I had ever tasted. Well every apple I have had since has been just as great! It could be the brand or type. Or maybe it's that I really truly value the things I eat. Not only that, but the natural organic things I eat. I am OBSESSED with fresh produce now. Trying to buy 100% organic is tough in America, but dammit I do my best! I am a little curious to try onions (being an onion hater) to see if my mind has changed. Maybe I will enjoy them now?

Onto my bodily concerns. I used to be so in tuned to my body. Not sure what to think anymore. HCG has made so many changes in my body that my mind is trying to grab the reins and get back control. I just want to understand what's going on! I guess if I had to chose between my old body and new one, then I will be patient in waiting for my mind to catch up. What I am talking about it hunger mentally and physically. Before there was just one hunger. Like the two had combined into this super human craving that my body couldn't differentiate. Now I am trying to educate my mind into which is what since they seem to be separated. Second of all TOM has not come yet. God bless the HCGDieters Group. I would be so lost without them! Yesterday I had to post my concerns because I was getting worried. I had TOM a few weeks prior to starting the diet. Nothing since! I have a Mirena IUD so basically that with the combination of HCG is making my body not have TOM. This would be awesome except that I am worried I will be sitting down out somewhere and POW here comes Aunt Flo. This is why I now carry supplies everywhere. Third is my BMs! Yes I am talking about constipation. I am so irregular lately it's hurting my tummy. I tried drinking Smooth Move last night to get things going, but this morning was not fun. That's all I am going to say about that. Fourth and finally is what I was talking about yesterday. Light headed, black spots, and low energy. The Potassium is helping a little. I also started taking some of my B12 for energy. I still am not where I was before. At the beginning I was feeling great! Now I am getting cravings and feel like poop. I don't know what else to do!

This lack of BM, TOM, and overall feeling like crap blows. While trying to eat my strawberries this morning I was just looking at them like.. yuck. They tasted delicious my my stomach doesn't want them. I was nibbling on them like a horse with hay. Hopefully the rest of the day isn't going to be this "bleh". Praying for a great BM today (never thought I would hear myself say that).


indigosfir3 said...

Love your blog! Your weight loss is great! I've been up and down this round (3) and I should be down to your weight so please you be encouraged!

lavenderdiva said...

Whenever I feel constipated, I now take Dulcolax fast-relief suppositories. I tried the Smooth Move tea, and had horrible cramping and a very bad reaction. Never again will I do that! The Dulcolax takes about 1/2 hour, and you have a 'normal' feeling to 'go', just a little stronger.

25 days in, and you're still losing 0.8lbs, that's TERRIFIC!!

Lily said...

I think you pinpointed something I was confused about yesterday lavenderdiva. I had terrible cramps yesterday, so naturally I was expecting TOM any minute. NOTHING! So I am going to assume it was that Smooth Move. At least I had a BM, but next time I will try your tip so it's pain free.